Posted by: tinyeye | October 25, 2013

Community Values Online Therapy – Brings Children to School Despite Closure

Community Values Online Therapy – Brings Children to School Despite Closure

“The ehelper was there…she wanted to make sure we could get them one step closer to therapy.” ~Tiffany

Hello Everyone,

ehelper terriJust as our online speech and occupational therapy platform brings our therapists to our schools, Ehelpers bring our students to our therapists. ehelper awardsEhelpers work or volunteer in the school and partner with our therapists to  facilitate our TinyEYE days.   They bring tremendous value to the program and we are grateful for their commitment.    A few of their many contributions include:

– Overseeing the attendance to ensure children receive their quality turn on their TinyEYE day

– Establishing an optimal therapy environment by preparing the computer, room and student

– Encouraging and celebrating the student; contributing to sessions and carry-over based on pre-arrangements with the therapist

– When applicable, providing additional practice opportunities for the students each week using their virtual practice Backpacks or other tools

– Assisting with communication with staff and parents

– Participating in TinyEYE training to become comfortable with the technology, resources, and services

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At TinyEYE, we dig for feedback so that we can improve the TinyEYE experience for our partners in care, and ultimately, our students.  Below is feedback from one of our treasured ehelpers:

TinyEYE is awesome. I have never been more comfortable in a job. To tell you the truth it does not feel like a job. I enjoy coming in to work every morning because I get to work with such a caring and amazing therapist. Michelle cares so much for our students. I could not ask for a better person to learn from. And this experience has really made me think about what I want in a life long career. Thank you to your team. You all are angels, and making such big life changes in these students’ lives.


One of our Primary Support Leaders, Tiffany, was scheduled to complete a number of assessments for our students who had been without services for years.   When reflecting on how much it matters that we are accessible for all students who need support, she shared this story:

Last week, I was reminded once again of how much some of our schools do to make sure that their kids get the services they need.  I was working withlonger road a school who is finally getting our support  after more than two years of struggling without services.  I partnered with their special education teacher to complete evaluations.  However, their school was being closed off and on over a period of a few weeks because they had no water.  I logged on each day to check if school was back in session.  One day I logged on, expecting our sessions to be canceled again due to this situation.  The e-helper was there, smiling and flushed.  She had gone in her own vehicle to pick up the kids I was to assess.  She took them home at lunchtime and brought more back.  There was no water at school that day, but she wanted to make sure we could get them one step closer to therapy.  Thankful.  So very thankful.

Ehelpers are an essential part of the solution for our students who access our online occupational therapy and online speech therapy services.  To our partners in care – we would like to share our gratitude for your contributions.  You work diligently and humbly to connect us with our students.  You help them to feel capable and engaged as they become the experts in their emerging skills.   For our therapists, you are that special person who shares in those magical moments when you know for sure, together, you have made a wonderful difference in the life of a child.

With gratitude and joy,
blog picture of marnee 
 Marnee Brick, MSc
Speech-Language Pathologist and Director of Speech Therapy

TinyEYE Therapy Services (Speech and Occupational Therapy Telepractice)


Growing smiles, mending spirits, engaging children in their lives…

TinyEYE is the world’s preferred online speech therapy service provider for schools, agencies, and individuals who seek exceptional performance, revolutionary solutions, outstanding service, and student success!

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